Mirror Tile Tree Ornaments

Mirror Tile Tree Ornaments via A Charming Project

What with all the moving (Living at an extended stay hotel until April) and settling into the Bay Area, (Redwood City, CA) I didn't have time to pick a theme for the Christmas Tree this year so I just rummaged through my supply boxes for inspiration! 

Maybe if I string together these mosaic tiles they'll look like icicles...

These tiles catch the light so well that there was no need to run out and buy more twinkle lights. 

Oh how sparkly, pretty and economical all in one. Win, win!

Supplies: Twine, hot glue gun, mini mirror tiles, scissors

Mirror Tile Tree Ornaments via A Charming Project

I cut 3 inches of twine and made a simple knot, then dabbed a little glue on the back of two tiles, and sandwiched the twine between two more tiles. Feel free to snip off any extra twine sticking out of the bottom. 

Mirror Tile Tree Ornaments via A Charming Project

I made them two tiles long because I have a small tree, but you could make them longer if you want long icicles. You could even use colored tiles to add an extra pop of color :)

Mirror Tile Tree Ornaments via A Charming Project

Made with love, Enid

Enida charming project