Ikea Storage Basket - Geometric Makeover

I confess, I'm one of those people that can walk around IKEA for an entire day! I find their showrooms especially fun to walk through...or at least I did, until I had to go to IKEA 4 times in one week, and now I think I'm okay for a while (LOL). I know there are some people that don't particularly like the feeling of being trapped in a furniture store for days, but honestly their products are very affordable, well constructed, and well, maybe it's just me but I love the sanctification of putting things together. 

IKEA is especially popular among DIY enthusiats because their products are pretty much blank slates. You can take anything from their store and make it your own. Infuse it with your own personality and turn it into something you love, that fits your decor aesthetic! I love my magazines, and I read through back issues all the time for inspiration but I just had them piled up in a corner. So I  decided to give take this IKEA storage basket and give it a little personality makeover by painting a modern geometric pattern on it, and making it my new magazine storage.   


  • IKEA BRANÄS Basket
  • Aluminum Foil
  • Painter's tape
  • White Spray Paint (Rustoleum)
  • Turquoise Spray Paint (Krylon)


ikea storage box makeover supplies

I would suggest laying the basket flat in a well ventilated area and spray paint the front and back. Then open the basket up and paint the inside, and once that dries, paint the bottom as well. It took me about 3 coats of paint to get it all even,  and took about 30 minutes for each coat to dry. 

ikea storage box painted makeover

I almost kept the basket white - it looked so pretty, but I was on a geometric mission. I used the painter's tape to diagonally cover the front of the basket and used aluminum foil to cover all the areas (including the back) that I did not want painted in turquoise. 

ikea storage box makeover

I gave it about 2 coats, and let that dry for about 30 minutes. 

ikea geometric storage box makeover

I just painted the front of the box with turquoise, but if you want to continue the pattern all the way around you can easily repeat the steps

ikea storage box geometric makeover

Finally, my blogging, crafting, home decor, and running magazines are off the floor and neatly organized. 

ikea magazine box makeover

I hope you all consider making this super easy, affordable, and functional piece for your space. Have fun and make it your own!!!

Made with Love, 
